AND, great news.. I thought the childcare room at the Y only took babies 6months and older, but I was wrong. It is 2 months and older! So starting next week, if I get the courage up to leave her in there, I am going to start back at the gym. Before his second surgery, J.Tom kept her for me, but he cannot lift her now so I either have to stay home or take her with me. I really want to take her with me, so I think I will start out by running for 30 minutes around the track, check on her, and then go do some weights. Then maybe I will get the courage to leave her for the duration of a spin class! I know I have to get the courage at some point... I mean she starts school in Jan, so maybe this would be a good way to transition for
That is a hard thing about being a mom, especially with such a young child. You have to make decisions based on what is best for her, and for yourself, but sometimes you feel selfish for the choices you make. And what really stinks is that I know it is in both our best interests for me to drop her off in the childcare room and go sweat my butt off, literally. However, it is just a scary first move. But isn't everything in life a little nerve racking the first time?
Also, I have started doing crunches with Lexie. When I crunch, I hold her up like we are doing superman and then when I lower down I rest her on my knees. She LOVES it and it works my tummy and my arms. =) She makes a good 15lb weight!!